The Field Marshal


entj-A / entj-T

The Field Marshal

ENTJ Strengths & Weaknesses

People of this type have their own ENTJ strengths and weaknesses. ENTJs would recognize their weaknesses and work on them while embracing their strengths. 

The ENTJ personality type (also known as The Commander) is the most determined and ambitious of the MBTI personality types. This personality type is combative, opinionated, and aggressive. With their linguistic expressiveness, ENTJs like debating and are extreme extroverts who thrive in social situations. Because they are typically pleasant and approachable, people are naturally drawn to these captivating and appealing individuals.

In their personal lives, ENTJs are devoted to their loved ones. However, it might be difficult for individuals to open up and convey their feelings. They may appear indifferent, although this is not always the case. They are forthright and straightforward, which may be misconstrued as arrogance. ENTJs trust individuals who pause and think rationally since they see obvious patterns in their brains and want others to see them as well.

Understanding ENTJ strengths and weaknesses is a critical step toward self-discovery and progress. To find out where we fit best, we must first understand more about our own inner ENTJ strengths and weaknesses. Dive into those flaws might be unsettling at times since learning about the things we could be doing better isn't always a pleasant experience. It should not be about comparing oneself to others, but about learning more about what comes easily to each individual.

I. ENTJ Strengths

Individuals of this kind, like all others, have ENTJ strengths and weaknesses. ENTJs would be their best selves if they recognized and worked on their flaws while appreciating their strengths. When these elements are out of balance, however, ENTJs tend to show their negative side aggressively. Here's a rundown of ENTJ strengths. 

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Strengths that are frequently linked with ENFP MBTI types include:

1. Self-assured and confident

The Commander recognizes their value, has faith in their talents, and believes in themselves. From the minute you meet, ENTJs will strike you with their confidence. Their charisma and brilliance captivate others. Many people admire them and look up to them.

People that are inherently confident and have high extroversion and positive mood like to listen to and gravitate towards them.

2. Well organized and structured 

They are powerful with logic and reason, naturally perceive things objectively, and have the capacity to set aside personal biases.

Unlike other types who are brilliant at coming up with ideas but not so adept at putting them into action, ENTJs know how to obtain what they want. They are capable of going through all of the procedures necessary to attain their objectives. ENTJs think strategically and methodically, and they understand that the path to success is a step-by-step process.

3. Determined

Once they've set a goal for themselves, they'll work tirelessly to attain it. They will be extremely tough to setbacks; if they are knocked down, they will get back up and battle until they win or reach their objective.

ENTJs have the uncommon capacity to envisage their desired future and turn it into a plan of action. This is obvious in both their personal and professional lives. ENTJs like establishing goals for themselves and are continuously searching for ways to improve themselves in their personal lives. In their professional lives, ENTJs can see where their project or organization is going and devise a strategy to get there.

4. Outspoken

ENTJs have excellent communication skills and are self-assured in their ability to provide logical arguments. ENTJs are excellent public speakers and thrive in debating situations. As a result, many people with this personality type are drawn to careers in politics, business, and entrepreneurship.

5. Strong-willed

The ENTJ personality type has a strong will and thick skin. They seldom take things personally and don't handle criticism well. They have the ability to look at things honestly and, if they recognize they are incorrect, they will accept it quietly. ENTJs operate well under pressure and can use reasoning in a scenario that needs a quick response. When they set their minds to something, ENTJs will not give up until they achieve it.

ENTJs have very high expectations of themselves and others. They constantly attempt to learn from their errors, doing everything they can to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

6. Charismatic and warm

ENTJs are very outgoing people who utilize their energy to persuade others. They like social events and are difficult to miss during a party. They're personable and pleasant, and they can always add to a conversation. They also use their attraction to lead people, and this aspect of their personality shines through in both their professional and personal lives.

ENTJs may utilize their commanding presence and charisma to persuade others to follow them into any scenario. If you are frequently told that you have an inspirational and motivating attitude, you are most likely an ENTJ.

7. Natural leaders 

ENTJs are natural problem solvers and leaders. An ENTJ sees no issue as insurmountable, and they thrive on achieving their objectives. Others are naturally drawn to them, and ENTJs have a talent for persuading others to support their views.

II. ENTJ Weaknesses

ENTJ weaknesses commonly linked with this MBTI types include:

1. Stubborn and Harsh

ENTJs like debating and typically have strong ideas. They also find it difficult to let go of their convictions. Some would even claim they enjoy debating for the sake of arguing. When it comes to professional growth, ENTJs are likewise ambitious, but things don't always go as planned. In this scenario, individuals may find it difficult to let go and may dig in their heels.

When someone close to them makes a mistake or is inefficient, the ENTJ might become quite agitated. When they feel that they are being lazy or might be doing better at something, they can be harsh with others. When focusing on something genuinely essential, ENTJs are extremely merciless, and as a result, they find themselves pushing past bounds, which may make others feel uncomfortable or anxious around them.

2. Insensitive

ENTJs can make excellent friends, companions, and coworkers. They understand how to provide folks realistic solutions. However, they are unable to provide emotional support to their loved ones. ENTJs are typically inconsiderate and use language that hurts people's feelings.

When the ENTJ is concerned about someone, they will go above and beyond to help them. While they are helpful and giving individuals, their relationships may seem strained at times since they aren't excellent at communicating how they feel emotionally.

Even when the ENTJ wants to communicate and give information, it takes a long time for them to feel comfortable doing so. They must understand that not everyone is as strong-willed as they are.

3. Arrogant 

ENTJs enjoy debating and expressing themselves logically. They have high expectations for themselves as well as others. When individuals fail to satisfy their expectations, they become haughty, even hostile. This makes it difficult for ENTJs to build relationships with others.

Their inherent confidence may often cross the line into arrogance. It doesn't take much to go beyond a healthy degree of confidence and into the unhealthier territory.

While ENTJs love taking on leadership responsibilities and issue solving, they might come out as "pushy" when expressing their views with others. Even when ENTJs disagree, ENTJs must remember themselves to make others feel heard. 

4. Intolerant

ENTJs prefer to be in charge. They aspire to be the parade's grand marshal. However, they are not always given the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership abilities. And occasionally people become too disturbed by this and become intolerant of others as a result.
If they disagree with anything, they will not just ignore it. ENTJs may become too annoyed by a scenario, adding to the tension. Not everyone can keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle, and they should be more tolerant when this occurs.

ENTJs have a difficult time admitting failure or their own faults, which can be difficult at times. When they make a mistake or fail to follow through properly, the ENTJ has a difficult time dealing with it. They don't know how to deal with the sense that they could have done better and frequently take it personally.

The ENTJ will blame themselves and look for solutions, often to their own harm. They like to get things right the first time, which puts a lot of strain on the ENTJ and those around them.

5. Impatient

Emotions are not their strong point; most of the time, they are emotionless. The commander personality type is obstinate, yet they tolerate ideas, beliefs, and values that are different from their own.
Their emotions, though, might protrude and become troublesome under stressful situations.

Because ENTJs dislike making errors in themselves or others, they may get irritated with others who are less skilled than themselves. They prioritize efficiency over the needs and feelings of others, which can be troublesome. ENTJs are best suited for leadership jobs and may struggle to operate as a team, particularly if their team members are feeling (F) types.

Similarly, ENTJs' quest for efficiency and practicality may cause them to overlook the broader picture or complicated ideas. They may have a proclivity to make judgments without examining all of the alternatives. Others may perceive them to be impatient.