Free Personality Test

Xpersonality Type Explorer®

Choose the answer you think most like you


You enjoy going out with a group of friends - the more, the merrier.





frequently asked questions

What are the bases for this personality test?

The "XPersonality Test" is based on various factors and theories related to personality assessment. Based on result of the Personality test, examinee will know which of the following 16 personality groups they belong to:

Analysts Analysts

Diplomats Diplomats

Sentinels Sentinels

Explorers Explorers

While the specific details of the test may vary depending on its design, some common foundations and influences for personality tests include:

Psychological Theories

Personality tests often draw inspiration from prominent psychological theories such as psychodynamic theory, behaviorism, humanistic psychology, and cognitive psychology. These theories provide frameworks for understanding different aspects of personality, including unconscious processes, observable behaviors, personal growth, and cognitive patterns.

Trait Theory

Personality trait models, such as the Big Five (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism), have a significant influence on many personality tests. These models identify key dimensions of personality that help describe and categorize individuals based on their characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

Typology Systems

Some personality tests, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), use typology systems that categorize individuals into distinct personality types. These systems often stem from theories proposed by renowned psychologists, such as Carl Jung, and provide insights into how individuals differ in their preferences, decision-making styles, and social interactions.

Research and Empirical Evidence

Personality tests are developed based on extensive research and empirical evidence. Psychologists and researchers conduct studies to identify patterns, correlations, and associations between different personality traits and behaviors. These findings inform the construction and validation of personality assessments, ensuring their reliability and validity.

Adaptation and Iteration

Personality tests evolve over time through adaptation and iteration. They benefit from ongoing research, advancements in psychological understanding, and feedback from test-takers. This iterative process helps refine the test's design, improve accuracy, and enhance its ability to capture the complexity and diversity of human personality.

It's important to note that while the "Free Personality Test" may draw from these general foundations, each test may have its unique approach and underlying principles. Understanding the specific basis and methodology of a particular test can provide insights into its reliability and relevance to the field of personality assessment.

How long does it typically take to complete this test?

The time to complete the test varies, but it typically takes around 10 to 20 minutes to answer all the questions thoroughly as our test only has 80 questions.

Can I retake this test multiple times to see if my results change?

Yes, you can retake the test multiple times if you wish to see if your results change. It allows you to explore different aspects of your personality.

What types of questions are included in the "XPersonality Test"?

The test includes a diverse range of questions that explore various dimensions of your personality, such as your preferences, behaviors, and attitudes.

Is the "XPersonality Test" suitable for individuals of all age groups?

Yes, XPersonality Test is designed to be suitable for individuals of all age groups, providing valuable insights regardless of your stage in life.

How is my personal information handled after I complete the test? Is it kept confidential?

Your personal information is handled with utmost care and confidentiality after you complete the test. It is not shared or used for any other purposes without your consent.

Can I use the results of the test for professional or educational purposes?

The results of the Free XPersonality Test can be used for personal reflection and growth. However, for professional or educational purposes, it is recommended to consult specialized assessments.

How accurate are the results of this test in assessing my personality?

The results of the test provide a general assessment of your personality traits. While they offer valuable insights, it's important to remember that no test can capture the entirety of your personality with complete accuracy.

Am I allowed to share my results with others?

Yes, you are allowed to share your results with others if you wish. It can be a helpful tool for initiating discussions or gaining a better understanding of yourself in interpersonal relationships.

Are there any costs or fees associated with taking the test?

There are no costs or fees associated with taking the test. It is completely free and accessible to anyone interested in exploring their personality traits.

Does the "XPersonality Test" assess specific personality traits or provide a broader analysis?

The test assesses specific personality traits based on the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) framework, providing a detailed analysis of your personality preferences. The test provides a broader analysis by assessing various specific personality traits. It explores multiple dimensions of your personality, such as preferences, behaviors, and attitudes, to provide a comprehensive understanding of your unique personality profile.

Are there any time limits for answering each question in this test?

There are no time limits for answering each question in the test. Take your time to reflect and respond thoughtfully.

Will I receive a detailed report of my results after completing the test?

After completing the test, you will receive a comprehensive report of your results, providing insights into your personality type and its implications.

Does this test provide any recommendations or suggestions based on my personality type?

Yes, the test provides recommendations and suggestions based on your personality type according to the MBTI principle, helping you understand your strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas of personal development.

Is this test based on a specific psychological theory or framework?

This test is based on the widely recognized and respected psychological theory and framework of the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator).Developed by Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers, the MBTI categorizes individuals into different personality types based on their preferences in four key dimensions: extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving.

The test draws on the work of Carl Jung and provides insights into how individuals perceive the world, make decisions, and interact with others. By using the MBTI framework, our test offers a structured approach to understanding and analyzing personality types. However, there is a difference in our test that makes you definitely should give this test a try.

The "XPersonality Test" represents a higher evolutionary upgrade from the traditional MBTI assessment. While the MBTI is widely known and respected, the Free Personality Test offers several notable improvements.

  • Firstly, the Free XPersonality Test is more streamlined, consisting of only 40 questions compared to the longer MBTI questionnaire. This allows for a quicker and more efficient assessment without compromising the accuracy of results.
  • Additionally, our test incorporates updated research and advancements in personality psychology, ensuring its relevance to contemporary understanding of personality traits.
  • Furthermore, our test provides a more comprehensive analysis of personality, delving into specific traits and characteristics with greater depth. This enables users to gain deeper insights into their unique personality profiles.

Our test represents an enhanced and modernized approach to personality assessment, offering a user-friendly experience while delivering valuable and accurate results. Not only that, the test is completely free. However, if you still wish to take the original MBTI test, you can visit at a cost of $49.95 USD per test.

Can the test be taken by individuals who are not fluent in English?

Yes, it can be taken by individuals who are not fluent in English. It is designed to be accessible and user-friendly for a diverse range of individuals.

Are there any prerequisites or prior knowledge required to take the test?

There are no prerequisites or prior knowledge required to take this test.It is designed to be easily understood and completed by anyone interested in exploring their personality.

Can I take the test on a mobile device or is it only available on a computer?

You can take this Free Personality Test on both mobile devices and computers. It is accessible and optimized for various platforms, ensuring flexibility and convenience for all users.