The Counselor


infj-A / infj-T

The Counselor


Both INFJ-A or INFJ-T lead with the same key cognitive functions. Introverted Intuition, Extroverted Feeling, Introverted Thinking, and Extroverted Sensing are all examples of Introverted Intuition. As previously noted, the fundamental distinction between the two forms is in their last letter, that is, the A in assertive form.

I. INFJ-A meaning

This is the assertive advocate (INFJ-A). They adopt a more straightforward attitude to life. This is evident in almost all of their interactions and attitudes toward others.

In the MBTI typology, the INFJ-A is the second most common sub-variant. The INFJ-T is the most uncommon. As a result, the INFJ-A personality type is misinterpreted by the majority of individuals.

Most INFJs appear to have T type personalities, as they might struggle with making clear decisions at times. This stems from being more sensitive and straining to overcome certain emotional obstacles in order to get things done.

INFJs are focused and determined people, yet they are concerned with not making mistakes and are frequently more meticulous than other kinds. They work hard to get things done, but they frequently seek to fine-tune and improve their approach.

Individuals that are assertive appear to be more extroverted and socially engaged than their Turbulent counterparts. Furthermore, Assertives are the ones that tend to disregard their friends' opinions or thoughts, which might have a detrimental impact on their connection.

Assertive INFJs are more goal-oriented, avoiding possible issues and encouraging others to go forward. They keep the team's attitude upbeat, are energetic, and constantly keep the final objective in mind.

II. INFJ-A Characteristics

1. Extroverted Introverts

INFJs are sometimes thought to be outgoing introverts. This is mostly due to the prevalence of INFJ-A individuals. They are more prone to be outspoken since they are more forceful than other INFJs.

INFJs are introverts by nature, and being alone energizes them. However, from a social standpoint, the INFJ-A personality wants to communicate with others and be socially active. As a result, while they like their alone time, they also don't mind speaking up when the opportunity arises.

2. Opinionated

INFJ-A people are far more opinionated than typical INFJs. While most INFJs have strong ideals, they may withdraw in the face of disagreement.

INFJ-As, on the other hand, are more prone to express and adhere to their beliefs. As a result, INFJ-As are frequently more obstinate than INFJ-Ts.

3. Much more confident

INFJs with type A personalities are self-assured and have frequently acquired a much stronger sense of self. They aren't scared to take risks and live their life, and they don't let their difficulties break them down, forcing them to go internally for a sense of confidence.

INFJs frequently have confidence in their talents and expertise, although they might oscillate between self-doubt and self-confidence throughout their life. The INFP-A personality type is frequently more confident, not wanting to allow self-doubt to come in and cause issues with their decisions. They are more self-assured and at ease with their own convictions.

This sort of INFJ is even more of a paradox, acting in ways that are out of character for them. Instead of questioning themselves and second-guessing their decisions, they remain firm in their views. They are far more certain of their conduct and do not want to contradict themselves by allowing uncertainty to creep in.

Instead, an INFJ strives to be more casual about their decisions, but they are not afraid to express themselves and demonstrate that they are at ease in their own skin and are conscious of their own unique expertise.

INFJs are emotional people. They can, however, be pretty reasonable. This is mostly due to INFJ-forceful A's personality. While both types of INFJs are rational, it is more evident in them.

They are more prone to consider their options. They are also less sensitive to other people's criticisms. As a result, INFJ-As have thicker skins and a lower emotional reaction. However, in some situations, the Assertive INFJs' positive confidence might transcend the line, which many interpret as arrogance and vanity.

4. More laid-back

They are relaxed, tranquil, and laid-back. It is unusual to find Assertive INFJs in a tumultuous state of mind. They are not stressed and do not obsess over things that cannot be solved.

INFJ-A individuals are less prone to be affected by social pressure or the urge to please others. This makes sense because this personality type is forceful and wants to be in charge of their lives.

As a result, individuals are more inclined to make judgments without consulting others. As a result, they are less inclined to be people pleasers. This, however, indicates that they will make more mistakes than other INFJs. Their need for independence will cause them to lose out on vital viewpoints that others may provide.

Assertive INFJs (INFJ-A) are INFJs who have a more carefree attitude about everyday events. Both types have a dominating introverted function that drives their need to navigate situations on their own, although assertive INFJs appear to be less worried about negative outcomes.

Are you an INFJ? Check it out with this test!

5. Motivation

INFJ-As are more likely than other INFJs to be motivated. Because they are self-assured and forceful, they frequently believe that adversity will not last long.

Past regrets offer them a lesson, but Assertive INFJs don't dwell on things they can't change. They absorb their lesson and move on, concentrating on the goal that they must attain.

As a result, INFJ-As are more inclined to try new things and push themselves. They are also more likely to overcome many of the obstacles they confront. Because INFJs in general are future-oriented and focus on the big picture, it is more typical for Assertives to stay on course until they achieve what they have focused on, which is frequently during an unexpected turn of events or rapid changes.

The disadvantage here is that the INFJ-A may take on things that are not worth their time.

6. Stress

INFJs are commonly perceived as worriers and stressors, which is why they frequently test as INFJ-T types. They are frequently more drawn to these habits because they are so concerned with doing things well. Because most INFJs fall into this category, the INFJ-A type is frequently far less common. While it is uncommon, it does not rule out the possibility, since some INFJs do test in this manner.

When the INFJ has a type A personality, they are significantly more relaxed about their decisions. They are less concerned about things going wrong and have discovered greater peace inside themselves. They are less impacted by the outer world and changes around them, and they may be even more concentrated on their own inner brains and inner worlds.

Because they are more internally absorbed, the INFP-A type typically ceases thinking about the things around them. They don't let outside stimuli drive them to worry about things they can't control; instead, they concentrate on their own inner thoughts and feelings. They are considerably more relaxed about things, since they do not need to continually seek a feeling of control over what happens around them.

7. Perfectionism

INFJs are frequently stereotyped as perfectionists who demand that everything go exactly as planned. INFJ-A, on the other hand, has most likely spent time developing their weaker functions in order to be a more balanced person. They are looking for methods to go within and embrace themselves and their imperfections.

This INFJ isn't frightened of making errors since they understand that they will make them regardless, and they allow themselves to learn from them. However, they don't need to constantly modify every mistake and discover methods to solve every problem.

They will tolerate the flaws and imperfectionists around them, not wanting to polish every single thing all the time. This is far less prevalent for INFJs, who are perfectionists by nature.

The INFJ-A personality type is far more complicated, and they have learnt to concentrate on these other areas of their personality. They don't focus on their perfectionist side, but rather on their sense of inner peace, trying to figure out how to be a more relaxed and tranquil person.

III. Career Choices

Because INFJ-As are more calm and don't take things personally, they can handle almost any job that is advised for the INFJ personality type. When put in a peaceful and organized atmosphere, INFJs perform better. This creates an atmosphere in which they may develop their creativity.

It also helps if it is something in which they have a vested interest. As a result, the INFJ-A becomes more confident and passionate about their work. When this occurs, it can only be beneficial to the organization for which they work.

The fact that INFJ-As don't allow stress affect their common sense or decision-making makes them a strong fit for managerial and leadership responsibilities. It is evident that INFJ-A personalities are motivated by their high moral ideals and strive to achieve their beliefs of making the world a better place for everyone.

They are outstanding physicians, psychologists, and humanists because of their maturity, ability to look past the surface, and willingness to serve.

However, employment that are excellent for INFJ-T personalities, such as social and humanitarian jobs, may not be their ideal fit, since their laid-back demeanor may create the impression that they are careless and even irresponsible.

Here are some good career options for the INFJ-A:

  • Clergy;

  • Family Physician;

  • Attorney;

  • Missionaries;

  • Psychologist;

  • Dentist;

  • Pharmacist;

  • Nutritionist.