The Craftsman


istp-A / istp-T

The Craftsman

ISTP Enneagram

This article will examine and analyze the ISTP enneagram types most commonly associated with it. The article will also show the qualities that result from the ISTP being combined with other enneagram types.

I. The overview of ISTP Enneagram

The article not only presented all of these personalities, but it also emphasized several common characteristics that emerge when the ISTP personality is combined with one of the nine enneagram types.

Please keep in mind that the ISTP personality type is commonly associated with the enneagram categories listed below:

  • ISTP Enneagram Type 5;

  • ISTP Enneagram Type 9.

II. The ISTP Enneagram with 9 Types

1. ISTP Enneagram type 1

The ISTP Enneagram type 1 personality has characteristics of both the ISTP and the type One personalities. These people are reserved and realistic in their attitude. They are concerned about becoming corrupt and endeavor to be ethical.

Their objective is to raise awareness and advocate for others' rights via education and intellectual debate. They make excellent problem solvers who are always on the hunt for new challenges.

They are loyal and kind friends, brilliant speakers, articulate authors, and educators of good ideals despite their lack of emotional expression.

They strive to increase awareness through their verbal and written communication abilities, but they are sometimes pessimistic about whether or not their counsel will be taken seriously by others. They eschew politics while spreading their beliefs in an abstract, non-personal, and non-emotional manner.

Although type Ones become agitated, they are more caustic, stiff, and irritable than violent. They prefer to be alone, avoid those who disagree with their perspective, and are adamant about their beliefs.

2. ISTP Enneagram type 2

ISTP Enneagram type 2 possesses characteristics of both ISTP and type 2. Because they are terrified of feeling useless and undesired, these people are sensitive to the needs of others.

As a result, they attempt to be accepted by being kind and problem solvers for others. They apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities to make a positive difference in the lives of others. They thrive on challenges and are always on the hunt for new and fascinating ones.

They are hard workers, therefore they regard their accomplishment as a form of validation. They may indulge in flattery and gossip, reducing their chances of becoming intimate lovers.

They work hard to be appealing because they are conscious of how others see them. Dropping friends in order to climb the social ladder is one example.

They may be egotistical as well, but in a more subtle way. They are afraid of being humiliated or losing their social standing.

3. ISTP Enneagram type 3

People with the ISTP Enneagram type 3 are determined to achieve achievement in life. This is due to their fear of failing and being unloved by others. As a result, they seek affirmation for their worthiness of love via their hard work and professional successes.

These folks like working silently in the background to solve complicated and difficult tasks. They stay out of the spotlight and utilize their knowledge and talents to comprehend and solve various problems. They are looking for stimulation and might become easily bored if they spend too much time on one issue.

As a result, persons of this personality type are more concerned with success and less concerned with interpersonal and social relationships. They are reserved, calm, and have an artistic sensibility. They may be emotionally susceptible, but their self-expression is restricted.

They are prone to considering the long-term rewards of certain actions yet are completely unable to access or deal with their feelings (particularly negative ones) in healthy or constructive ways.

Like other Se types, ISTP Enneagram 2 people are image-conscious and sensory-pleasure-driven, with a need for 'amazing' items that shout to the world that I am accomplished.

4. ISTP Enneagram type 4

People with the ISTP Enneagram type 4 are fearful of not having an impact or influence on the world. They aspire to be one-of-a-kind and get the admiration of others.

They employ imagination and adopt the characteristics of their loved ones in their quest to figure out who they are. They are also good problem solvers who are energized by new challenges. They like repairing things and hope to put their knowledge and abilities to use in this capacity.

They, on the other hand, grow bored fast and seek for new experiences to keep life exciting. These folks try to be one-of-a-kind and create an impact on the world. They express themselves via their creativity.

They are also good problem solvers and are quite concerned about human behavior. They spend their time solving complicated issues and might become easily bored if something does not pique their attention.

5. ISTP Enneagram type 5

In the Enneagram system, the vast majority of ISTPs identify as type 5s (Type 5 with a 4 wing: 31 percent ; Type 5 with a 6 wing: 69 percent ). This comes as no surprise given that dominating introverted thinking is substantially connected with the Five type.

ISTP Enneagram type 5 people are distinguished by their love of learning, critical/analytical thinking abilities, and a need to investigate a topic from every available viewpoint before reaching a judgment. 

People with the ISTP Enneagram type 5 may be particularly reliant on their introverted thinking and introverted intuition functions, and they may find extroverted sensing to be something of a blind spot, since they rarely feel comfortable acting until they have thoroughly investigated a specific situation.

Others are more prone to mistake this sort of ISTP for an INTP since they are slower to act on their impulses than other Se-driven types. They may also misidentify as ISTJs while taking a dichotomy-driven exam since they do not behave as impulsively as the 'perceiver' stereotype would suggest.

They have a strong desire for independence and solitude, distance themselves from others, and may avoid deeper human ties, out of 5 and inferior Fe difficulty with powerful emotions in oneself and others. They also experience less emotional outbursts than other Enneagram ISTPs and have greater difficulty comprehending why they feel the way they do. They also have significantly less 'hands-on' experience with new items.

6. ISTP Enneagram type 6

People with the ISTP Enneagram type 6 are very analytical, with frequent Ti/Ni cycles (predicting the worst and preparing for it), and a low NiFe need to belong to a bigger ideology or group that may give security in being "correct." They are especially effective at pointing out logical flaws and believing in their capacity to read into the motivations of authoritative people.

7. ISTP Enneagram type 7

People with ISTP Enneagram type 7 are more of a performer than other ISTPs, more ambitious and idealistic, and more in touch with how to cheer others up with their lesser Fe, but they are also out of touch with their feelings.

Frequently a globetrotter who does not remain with people or bad situations. They are prone to Ti/Ni loops and may be mistyped as a Ne-using type owing to 7's similarity with Ne descriptions.

8. ISTP Enneagram type 8

Because of the weaker Fe, this ISTP would be much more out of touch with how others view them and how to lessen the shock than other ISTP Enneagram pairings.

They would find no purpose to be socially proper and would instead focus their considerable energies on external objectives. Frequently sharp-tongued and unable or unwilling to allow flawed ideas to go unchallenged.

They have complete trust in their Ti/Ni insights, but they may lack nuance or comprehension of emotional motivators, and they have little regard for illogical or sensitive individuals.

9. ISTP Enneagram type 9

A significant proportion of ISTPs identify as type 9s in the Enneagram system (Type 9 with an 8 wing: 75 percent ; Type 9 with a 1 wing: 25 percent ). This conclusion was rather surprising given that the ISTP Enneagram type 9 is most strongly associated with the introverted emotion function.

Having said that, the ISTP's inferior extroverted feeling may play a part in this categorization, since the inferior-Fe user frequently worries being unable to connect with people. As a result, they are afraid of feeling disconnected and lost, and they are confused how to reverse the condition.

The ISTP Enneagram type 9 person is likely to be particularly sensitive to conflict in their surroundings, picking it up quickly and trying to avoid it at all costs. In order to avoid confrontation, they are likely to employ their introverted thinking function to examine other people's points of view. Because of their desire for interpersonal harmony and understanding, they are more prone to be misidentified as ISFPs or INFPs.

They would implement a framework of rational sharing or dealing with others that avoids conflict as much as possible, and would frequently shut up about their logical complaints.

Moreover these people should be aware that this could cause friction, might be prone to over-indulgences, or channeling their Se into video gaming instead of demonstrating ambition in the workforce, while also stressing about keeping their loved ones happy (lower Fe).