The Visionary


entp-A / entp-T

The Visionary

ENTP Enneagram

Today we’re going to explore the nine different types of ENTP Enneagram, and some significant differences in how they show up in the world.

I. The overview of ENTP Enneagram

There are infinite differences from one individual to the next. Life experience, maturity, and job all have an influence on how we present ourselves to the world.

ENTPs are the MBTI personality type debaters. They are well-known for their clever quips and never-ending thoughts. ENTPs provide a unique flavor to every conversation and are masters at thinking outside the box.

Your Enneagram type is one of the most important factors that may influence you and how you portray your type. An ENTP Enneagram 2 will seem significantly different from an ENTP Enneatype.

Today, we'll look at the nine distinct varieties of ENTPs and the considerable variances in how they manifest themselves in the world.

Note: The ENTP personality type is commonly associated with the following enneagram types:

  • ENTP Enneagram Type 7;

  • ENTP Enneagram Type 8.

II. The ENTP Enneagram with 9 Types

1. ENTP Enneagram type 1

This ENTP is unlikely to identify with the stereotypes of ENTPs as slackers or procrastinators. Above all, this ENTP Enneagram wants to make the proper decision. They discuss and examine possibilities to ensure that what they are doing is consistent with their inner sense of integrity. One is the rarest Enneatype for ENTPs, according to a poll performed by typology specialist Heidi Priebe. These ENTPs are more self-critical, detail-oriented, and self-disciplined than ordinary ENTPs.

2. ENTP Enneagram type 2

ENTP Enneagram type 2 is an uncommon Enneatype for the ENTP who is motivated to assist others and exhibits pleasant sentiments for them. Twos, often known as "The Helpers," captivate people with their energy, kindness, and loving attitude. The ENTP personality type adds a new twist to the Two Enneatype. They offer the Two's warmth and giving, but with a more lively, inquisitive side than is normal. ENTPs are, of course, Thinking personalities.

ENTP Twos, on the other hand, rely significantly on their tertiary Feeling function. Somehow, life events have taught this ENTP that in order to be respected and useful, they must be unselfish. They must contribute and maintain giving without ever asking for aid in return. They like it when others come to them for help, advice, and troubleshooting. They look into many possibilities for individuals and come up with new, unique methods to assist them.

3. ENTP Enneagram type 3

The ENTP Enneagram 3 personality type is the ultimate smooth-talking successful businessman. A type 3 person is a natural charmer and performer who uses tert-Fe to woo people but frequently does not know what is real (the persona) and what is not (his/her true self).

They believe they must brush their emotions under the rug in order to be more effective and perform at their best. Their natural intuition leads them down many paths, but unlike some ENTPs who struggle with slacking and leaving projects incomplete, these ENTPs are better at finishing what they start. They are competitive and concerned about their image.

4. ENTP enneagram type 4

ENTP Enneagram type fours are driven to find their unique place in the world, which is a relatively rare Enneatype for the ENTP. Growing up, they frequently felt misunderstood and out of place in their families, and they hope to find their identity in a world that appears conformist or callous.

This ENTP is in touch with their creative process and sees potential and imaginative possibilities in almost everything around them. They will appear more introverted and in touch with their subjective feelings than most ENTPs. This ENTP is deeply idealistic and self-aware, capable of discovering surprising truths about life and the world.

5. ENTP Enneagram type 5

ENTP Enneagram Five person is a more focused, less distracted ENTP who understands a hundred facts about a thousand different things but struggles to recall specifics, making them less confident in interacting with the exterior sensory environment. These people are more introverted and quickly tired, and they are less likely to take control.

ENTP Fives are afraid of being overpowered or overly influenced by others. They aim to maintain as much independence and objectivity as possible. Because they are more reclusive than the average ENTP, many ENTPs of this Enneatype get mistyped as INTPs. However, their dominant-flow condition is still one of ideas and possibilities, rather than logic and rigorous analysis.

6. ENTP Enneagram type 6

ENTP Sixes are quite uncommon, and they frequently feel unsure of their Enneatype, switching back and forth between numerous possibilities since they perceive aspects of themselves in several types. They may be pleasant and kind one minute and suspicious and hostile the next.

ENTP Sixes play devil's advocate for virtually any concept or hypothesis, quickly identifying flaws and logical contradictions. The Six ENTP is frequently more cautious than the normal ENTP, however if they are the countertype (Sexual) Six, they might appear much more aggressive and risk-taking.

7. ENTP Enneagram type 7

The majority of ENTPs picked 7 as their Enneagram type (Type 7 with a 6 wing: 27 percent ; Type 7 with an 8 wing: 73 percent ). Because this type is strongly associated with the ENTP's primary function of extroverted intuition, this coupling makes sense.

Type 7 ENTPs are active, explorative, and highly creative, emphasizing their extroverted intuition and preferring the chase of new ideas over their corresponding follow-through. This sort of ENTP is likely to bounce about from one experience to the next throughout their lives, leveraging their natural entrepreneurial skills to create unique chances for themselves that depart from the conventional standard.

At their heart, type 7 ENTPs are driven by the dread of getting imprisoned, stuck or stagnant in their life. They are continually moving away from a life of scarcity and toward a life of diversity and richness. These ENTPs have the most in common with their sensory-oriented relative, the ESTP.

When compared to other type 7 enneagrams, these people are more dedicated and hardworking at work, going the additional mile. They like to prioritize work and ensure that all chores or assignments are done. This is fueled by their natural drive to do whatever they have pledged to complete. The 7w8 enneagram is also more assertive and defensive in their conduct - they want to maintain their composure.

At the same time they are very enthusiastic individuals. They like to be energetic in whatever they do rather than take a sluggish or half hearted approach in what they do. They are keen to get things done and take an interest in whatever is on their schedule that needs attention.

8. ENTP Enneagram type 8

A sizable proportion of ENTPs selected 8 as their Enneagram type (Type 8 with a 7 wing: 90 percent ; Type 8 with a 9 wing: 10 percent ). Though this type is most closely associated with the extroverted thinking function, the combination of extroverted intuition and introverted thinking may resemble the expression of extroverted thinking in many ways Therefore it is not unexpected that many ENTPs identify as type 8.

The ENTP Enneagram Type 8 is generally very enterprising and industrious, leveraging the inventiveness of their extroverted intuition and the focus of their introverted reasoning to outperform opponents in the workplace. Because they are more focused on what they want, these ENTPs come across as more aggressive than their type 7 counterparts. They are eager to assert authority in social situations and like that the power dynamic always favors them.

Though both kinds detest being restricted, the type 8 ENTP fears being constrained, whilst the type 7 ENTP finds it very uncomfortable.

Type 8 ENTPs are motivated by a fear of being dominated or exploited by others. They seek authority in order to preserve total autonomy, and their behavior is most comparable to that of the ENTJ.

Furthermore, they may be silent at first, but when the time comes, they will stand up and defend their own or others' positions.

Despite their tendency to roam about in their minds, these enneagram types are excellent at dealing with others and taking practical measures. They make sound judgments and prefer to do so on their own, without much supervision. They are great dreamers with an idealistic goal. They aim to establish a world or society in which individuals have the option of going large or going home.

This enneagram type, on the other hand, is terrified of losing their autonomy, which may explain why they are so self-sufficient: they want to reassure themselves that they can handle most issues on their own. At the same time, these people have difficulty being emotionally honest or vulnerable.

9. ENTP Enneagram type 9

This type has the fast thought process and intellectualization of the Ne-dom, but is also conscious that some of their more contentious ideas and analyses may cause societal upheaval and friction, thus they are more likely to stay silent about it and/or finalize their thoughts before sharing them.

Nines, like Eights and Ones, suppress a part of their personality, notably their instincts. Instead of succumbing to their aggressiveness (as the Eight does), they suppress their capacity to exert themselves. They like relaxed, stress-free relationships and dislike being micromanaged, controlled, or scolded. Laughter, creativity, and a relaxed way of living help children feel at ease.