The Visionary


entp-A / entp-T

The Visionary

ENTP Introduction

The ENTP personality type is talkative, curious, and impulsive in their behavior. ENTPs are inspired by innovators who are compelled to provide novel solutions to cognitively challenging problems. These MBTI personalities are open-minded and unconventional, and they strive to investigate, comprehend, and influence others.

What Does ENTP Stand For?

I. What Does ENTP Stand For?

ENTP stands for Extraversion, iNtuition, Thinking, and Perception and is one of 16 personality types studied from the MBTI test (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). The MBTI personality assessment developed by Isabel Briggs Myers, Katharine Cook Briggs, and David Keirsey from the work of psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, the types of psychology based on theories of cognitive functions. Keirsey named ENTP The Visionary/ The Debater because they are very passionate about coming up with new ideas. ENTP is one of four personality types of The Rational.

II. Personality Traits of The ENTP Group

ENTPs are described as intelligent, outgoing, creative, flexible, and resourceful. They are always excellent at coming up with new and unique solutions to difficult problems, usually, they do not plan for a project. 

ENTPs also tend to be rebellious, preferring to challenge existing regulations and procedures. These things cannot change them, instead, they want to delete the existing model and move on to the new one.

ENTPs love to argue, they don't care what they're arguing about as long as it's interesting. They may not support an idea they are arguing about but may decide to go against the prevailing view, they see this as a mental exercise. 

ENTPs often like to work with complex ideas and difficult challenges. They like big thoughts and do it well – this strong personality can be developed and once they do, the flow of ideas will constantly overflow. However, ENTPs will still need to rely on assistance from others to organize and perform.

Before making a decision, ENTPs often spend a lot of time in the discovery and search phase. Because their special ability is to organize a large number of opinions and penchant for them to constantly seek new opportunities, they usually choose many last options. They will try to test each option according to judgment, and they use criteria to create favorable conditions before making an action.

As a variant of Plato's Rational group and Aristotle's Dialectical group, ENTPs differ slightly from other NTs in almost every respect. Like the other Rationales, these people talk in an abstract and concrete way, which is beneficial in how they accomplish the goal. They will choose to study science, always be preoccupied with psychology and technology issues, and work well with systematic things. 

The views of ENTPs are also tinged with pragmatism, cynicism, relativity, focusing on the intersection of space and time intervals. They will prefer calm demonstration, believe only in reasons, and aspire to achieve achievements, yearn for knowledge, respect, desire to become the magic master of science and technology. In terms of intellect, ENTPs tend to develop their strategic abilities rather than diplomacy and especially logistics. 

In addition, possessing a naturally curious personality as well as always having a mindset of alternatives, they favor the role of providing and improving the knowledge of an Engineer rather than the Coordinator's organizing and commanding role. And because they are interested and excited by the outside world in general, most ENTPs prefer the role of an Inventor rather than the role of an Architect. 

III. The Cognitive Functions of The ENTP Group

Dominant: Extroverted Intuition

ENTPs tend to receive information quickly and are very open. Once they gathered information, they spent time making connections between different complex and interwoven relationships. They are good at detecting connections that others might ignore and tend to focus on the possibilities. Besides, they are entrepreneurial and always come up with new and interesting ideas.

Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking

This cognitive function is expressed in the thinking processes of ENTPs. They tend to focus more on receiving information about the world around them. When they use this information to conclude, they are very logical and objective. When making a decision, they place a heavy emphasis on rational evidence instead of subjective or emotional information.

This function works to help ENTPs understand all incoming information through the extrovert intuition function. This involves imposing logic and order to help understand a wide variety of ideas and pieces of information. ENTPs don't want to just know that something works – they want to understand the why and how behind how things function.

Tertiary: Extroverted Feeling

Due to its tertiary function, this aspect of personality may not be well-developed or outstanding. When developed, ENTPs can be social people who are capable of getting along well with others.

When this aspect of their personality is weaker, ENTPs can be indifferent to others and may even be viewed as aloof or unkind.

Inferior: Introverted Sensing

The introverted sensing function focuses on understanding the past and often applies it to present experiences and future concerns. This is often a weakness of the ENTP personality. They often focus more on possibilities and may not consider how past precedents might help predict outcomes. ENTPs also tend to ignore many more common details of everyday life, especially if they are deeply involved in a project or plan.

IV. ENTP Values and Motivations

ENTP Values and Motivations

1. ENTP Values

One of the reasons why ENTPs can stand their ground firmly in nearly every debate is due to their knowledge and ability to think of other ideas so quickly, making unique connections. They do this at a very fast pace without putting too much effort – the arguments of ENTPs make their opponents easily confused. This can be either good or bad, depending on who they are arguing with – they can easily wipe out their opponent's argument in a political debate, however, this may cause tremendous tension in a relationship if they try to do it with their partner.

ENTPs tend to use their intelligence in a very specific way and this is especially noticeable in a professional environment – they like to brainstorm and outline all options, but they try to avoid participating in the actual implementation. Once again, such a trait can be very valuable in certain situations but may cause workplace stress, ENTP can be considered a person with many ideas, but not willing to work hard to implement their ideas. 

ENTPs are natural, relaxed, and optimistic people who can make people happy. They receive a lot of joy and satisfaction from influencing others, especially in debating the hypotheses and concepts that interest them. 

ENTPs also tend to initiate debate because they love to argue. They are usually cheerful and social, as well as very attractive. 

2. ENTP Motivations

ENTPs tend to be energized by debates and discussions with others. Their natural energy and extroversion help them feel comfortable when they talk. They enjoy heated debate, especially when the other person is just as energetic and passionate as they are. Through discussion, they have the opportunity to test their ideas, take a different angle, and use natural logic as their advantage.

Concerts, social gatherings, and conferences all tend to excite and energize ENTPs. At major events, they can meet people with similar interests, build connections, and exchange ideas, all of which tend to be things they enjoy.

For ENTPs, thinking through complex problems, even more, abstract and theoretical ones, is often exciting. ENTPs may be interested in hypotheses, which often allows them to imagine situations and come up with creative and intelligent ideas.

When ENTPs choose to come up with a plan, usually at the last minute, they want to make sure the plan is interesting and creative. They were motivated by the idea of something fun and engaging that everyone else would want to be a part of.

ENTPs also enjoy relationship building and jokes with other humorous and daring people. Sarcasm and prompt comments from others can energize and motivate them.

Participating in exciting and motivating tasks will help ENTPs feel happier and more productive. They will have the opportunity to both actively participate in their work and use their strengths for their benefit, which can help them stay in a position for the long term.

V. Strengths and Weaknesses of ENTPs

1. ENTP Strengths

ENTPs are very quick and unique, giving them a big advantage in debate, academics, and politics – however, they also tend to do very well in many other areas that require the readiness to challenge existing ideas and organize lots of arguments.

ENTPs are people of ideals, always working with a generalized plan or idea.

ENTPs are quite open, flexible, and easy to integrate into conversations.

ENTPs love to develop and enhance their relationships, they take their relationships seriously.

All ENTPs are those who take advantage of opportunities. They have a special ability to see connections between seemingly unrelated things, the flexibility and the courage to formulate action plans and get the results they want to help them realize potential function in many areas of life.

ENTPs have a deep understanding of how things and relationships work and how to improve them. They do not like to be judgmental but open-minded and skillful in communicating with clever minds and flexible language skills. With relentless creativity and excellent social skills, they perfectly act as motivators and enhance team spirit.

2. ENTP Weaknesses

ENTPs need to be careful to keep their argumentative debate under control, as actual progress is often more important than the truth. People with this type of personality know this very well, but they also need to understand that what they consider to be pleasure can hurt others.

ENTPs are too straightforward sometimes. They do not care about being perceived as sensitive or compassionate, so their frankness is sometimes quite cruel. They say what they think without beating around the bush, they don't like people who talk indirectly, especially when asking ENTPs to do something. Therefore, ENTPs are often respected, but not necessarily favored. Society tends to value emotion, sensitivity, and comfort over unpleasant truths - this can make many ENTPs encounter obstacles and failures.

People with the ENTP personality type are very rational and they do not perceive much emotional value. As a result, they are great when it comes to logical thinking, but are likely to have difficulty understanding emotions.

ENTP's confidence and humor are often very appealing, but they can easily (and often inadvertently) hurt an individual belonging to a different personality group. Group Feeling (F) is particularly vulnerable in such situations when they dislike criticism and argument while ENTPs thrive on this.

ENTPs have problems with distraction at work and sometimes neglect close relationships when having to participate in a project or a new idea.

VI. Personal Relationships of ENTPs

Personal Relationships of ENTPs

1. Romantic relationship

In romantic relationships, ENTPs also obviously apply relentless streams of initiatives and ideas to keep things moving. They have imagined all the ways they could experience new things with their partners even before establishing serious relationships. However, this can be an overwhelming process if their partner is not suitable.

From the very first stage of the relationship, ENTPs examine their partners' limits on this kind of potential, transcend boundaries and traditions, looking for openness and spontaneity. They capitalize on their enthusiasm and creativity by delighting and surprising their partners with new ideas and experiences.

Although ENTPs are more open-minded than other Analyst personality types about the views of others, they are also more likely to show disregard for things like emotional sensitivity in terms that are clearly expressed and understandable. In this way, they easily hurt their partners' feelings without realizing it, instead, immerse themselves entirely in an inaccessible and distant idea or opportunity.

The best compatibility of ENTPs depends on other iNtuitive (N) types, with one or two opposing characteristics that help create both balance and growth opportunities. If they're with a more sensitive partner, this can be a great way for them to find another quality that they can overcome together, turning one weakness into another opportunity for creativity, challenging themselves, and deepening the appeal that this feeling has made for their relationships.

The family atmosphere of ENTPs is often full of vitality. They like to be social, easy to laugh, and have a sense of humor as well. Although they often are extraordinarily solid and reliable economic supports, coexisting with an ENTP partner for life is sometimes still an adventure, as they can unconsciously push the whole family into the depths of that economic crisis. The fact that everyday life goes on in a fixed order cannot inspire them, so they usually let their spouse deal with consequences and crises.

They are also extremely fond of debating and arguing with their partners, and if their partner does not have this kind of intellectual competence, ENTPs will tend to feel a great imbalance in the relationship. Therefore, partners who are competitive and willing to fight back with them are still the most compatible. Although this kind of relationship will be quite intense, it's still a good way to rebalance aspects of ENTPs' personality over the long term.

2. Friendship

There are no friends who can be as quick and rational as the ENTPs. They like to debate and they can spend the evening defending a point, even if they don't believe it is correct. If the friends of ENTPs can hold their point of view and give their values and reasonable arguments, then they will consider this as the ideal symbol of a friendship.

ENTPs' friends sometimes cannot feel the sensitivity and affection of ENTPs, even though they were very intuitive. People with the ENTP type of personality are often known as rational and emotionless people – they can be quite funny and enthusiastic, but not a spiritual support for those who are sad. They will certainly come up with perfectly logical solutions, but emotions and affections are what ENTPs want to refute.

In general, ENTPs have no trouble communicating with friends and people of other personality groups, especially if they are not afraid to suggest and discuss new ideas and interesting things (ENTPs should be sure that this does not become a competition or quarrel). However, when not in the same position as the person who argues, ENTPs rarely give much time to put themselves in their shoes.

3. Parenthood

The easygoing and daydreaming nature of ENTPs will make parenting a particular challenge for them. They take their role very seriously as parents, and they are bound to be deeply influenced by this development in their lives. With a dislike of rules and laws, they can give their children the freedom they need to explore for themselves. Independence is one of the biggest needs of ENTPs and they feel that no one is perfect without an independent mind.

As their children grow and develop, ENTP parents encourage them to think independently and have a voice in expressing opinions and choices. They teach their children to approach these choices from an objective and logical perspective, to figure out what is more effective than what will make them feel good.

As their children grow up and learn to find a balance in healthy emotional expression, ENTPs parents may feel uncomfortable. While always ready to argue on any topic, they often need a partner's help in managing debates and outbursts. However, they also know that the goal is to want their children to develop into intelligent, independent, and honest adults. To impart those values, ENTP parents know they need to communicate in conditions accessible to all parties.

4. Relationship with other personality groups

ENTPs are active and agile communicators. They like to make connections and discover the information they receive from the people around them. They also like to discuss creative solutions, unique ideas and have the patience to explain them in detail to everyone

For INTP, ENTJ, ENFP groups: they have similar qualities and many things in common so it is easy for ENTPs to share values, interests, and approaches with these groups.

For INTJ, INFP, ESTP, ENFJ groups: they have some differences, however, these turn to be quite attractive to ENTPs. They still have few things in common to build a well-balanced relationship with these groups.

For INFJ, ISTP, ESTJ, ESFP groups: at first, ENTPs may have some difficulties accessing and connecting with these groups. Still, after knowing each other for a while, they will discover commonalities as well as other points of view that can complement each other.

For ESFJ, ISFJ, ISTJ, ISFP groups: these groups are quite distinct and contrast to ENTPs. But if it is possible to develop relationships with each other, ENTPs will learn and develop themselves from these groups, the challenges always come along with great opportunities.

VII. Career Paths and Development Areas of ENTPs

Career Paths and Development Areas of ENTPs

Their intelligence can even be somewhat intimidating, ENTPs have an explosive combination of extroversion (E), predisposition for intellectual purposes (NT), and spontaneity (P). These characteristics push ENTPs into areas that allow them to use the threads of ideas effectively.

They have very good communication skills in both oral and written terms, and some things make them more engaged in arguing with other people's ideas. Interestingly, ENTPs also have good leadership, but they don't like managing others or being managed by others. 

On the other hand, people with this kind of personality can easily motivate and inspire others, even though that inspiration comes from intellect and not emotion. 

In work, ENTPs also tend to reward intellectual capacity and curiosity – they highly value knowledge, wisdom, and rational thinking and are unimpressed or influenced by emotions. Furthermore, ENTPs need a lot of freedom – they dislike habits, structures, and formal rules, seeing it as an obstacle to those who freely pursue creativity. Therefore, ENTPs tend to shine in careers revolving around such traits.

Business and leadership (Business management, Human resource management, Executives);

Art and Design (Architect, Art producer, Photographer, Industrial designer, Industrial engineer);

Science and Technology (Scientist, Engineer, Professor);

Entertainment (Actor);

Computer programs (Programmer, System Analyst, Software Analyst);

Marketing and Communications (Journalist, Literature Agent, Education Director, Copywriter, Sales Representative, Marketing Officer, Marketing Director, Public Administrator, Public Relations Officer);

Law and Politics (Political Management, Political Scientist, Politician, Lawyer).

VIII. How ENTPs perform in the work and learning environment

ENTPs students love to ask questions for learning purposes, not for grades or recognition. Because they never pay attention to their grades, they can be seen as less worried about assignments and tests, which makes their learning progress inadequate. Even when the scores are average or below average, ENTP students still feel interested in many things in the school subject. 

Not only do ENTP students do better in class who like to study and practice for the next tests, but they often dedicate time to their research on a subject of interest.

In general, ENTP students will want to be taught concepts rather than facts, look at reasoning bases and build on them to develop their thinking styles, enjoy the parts that are difficult to stimulate their minds, and go further when studying subjects they are passionate about.

They need flexible environments for them to express their egos. Too many rules and regulations would then obscure ENTPs' creativity and make them feel extremely bored. ENTPs want to solve difficult problems with independent and creative people like them.

How ENTPs perform in the work and learning environment

Entrepreneurial and highly autonomous, ENTPs often seek to manage their work and life the way they see it. In essence, they do not have leadership tendencies (unlike ENTJ or ESTJ), perhaps because as a leader they have to take a lot of responsibilities, which can limit their freedoms.

ENTPs have the skills to turn the situation around quickly and strongly, giving them a distinct advantage on the career ladder – as long as they understand their strengths and weaknesses. They like to improve their knowledge with smart colleagues. 

Even when they work in an organization, ENTP colleagues tend to behave like entrepreneurs – this also jeopardizes their position and makes their colleagues uncomfortable. However, they are not easily frightened ones and they will do whatever they need to do to feel independent and free.

People with the ENTP personality often like to challenge the rules and they want to avoid predefined procedures. Their terrible nightmare is working with someone who has a desire to follow the discipline strictly. To work effectively with ENTPs, consider giving them suggestions rather than orders to follow.

An ENTP manager will promote independence and initiative at their workgroup. More than other personality groups, ENTPs often prefer to introduce unusual ways of working and know how to make their group interested in the changes. They will have a lot of trouble with a down-to-earth assessment to achieve their goals, they also want people to reflect on the workplace.

ENTP managers are sometimes discouraged by others because of the failure to bring the necessary information to the project at hand. Because of their way of thinking, they will often come up with panoramas only, guiding them in the right path but ignoring important details.

In general, they are all good visionaries and constructivists. Unfortunately, other personalities often have a hard time working with them. People who need stability, security, and a clear structure tend to be uncomfortable with ENTP managers.

IX. 10 Things you might not know about ENTPs

1. ENTP is the most versatile personality type, their list of occupations is extensive.

2. This is the rarest personality group in the world and accounts for about 2-5% of the world's population. 

3. By gender, only 2% of ENTPs are women and 4% are men. 

4. ENTP young people all have entrepreneurial personalities and are adventurous. They are constantly looking for gaps or opportunities that cannot be seen by others.

5. ENTP women will experience difficulties due to their natural tendency to go against the things they desire. These people are perceived as not being feminine, yet they never mind. Strong, competitive, argumentative, and witty, they have so much to handle. However, they do not feel they need to change their natural tendencies to be in compliance with the stereotypes about a traditional woman.

6. ENTPs are the inventors and dare to break through the most in 16 personalities. However, they also have downsides in giving specific details that can make it difficult for other groups to work with them.

7. ENTPs rarely do the same thing in the same way twice.

8. ENTPs are likely to have more than one profession.

9. ENTPs are not so delicate and compromising ones

10. Similar to other extrovert groups, ENTPs have an innate leadership ability, however, they don't like to lead people.

X. ENTP Famous people

  • Alexander the Great, a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty;
  • Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States;
  • Benjamin Franklin, an American polymath and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States;
  • Richard Feynman, an American theoretical physicist;
  • Voltaire, a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher;
  • Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia from 1762 until 1796;
  • Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian Renaissance diplomat, philosopher, and writer;
  • Steve Wozniak, an American electronics engineer, programmer, philanthropist, and technology entrepreneur;
  • Karl Popper, an Austrian-British philosopher, academic and social commentator;
  • Thomas Edison, an American inventor, and businessman;
  • Timothy Ferriss, an American entrepreneur, investor, author, and podcaster;
  • Leonardo Da Vinci, an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance;
  • Chandler M. Bing, one of the six main characters on Friends (1994–2004).