The Doer


estp-A / estp-T

The Doer

ESTP Enneagram

ESTP Enneagram 7 is by far the most typical kind. The numbers 8 and 3 are the next most prevalent. Following that, an ESTP is likely to have Enneagram 6, which, as previously stated, is more closely associated with introversion than extraversion. What about other ESTP Enneagram?

I. The overview of ESTP Enneagram

We discussed the nine ESTP Enneagram personality types in this article. We discussed how the MBTI and Enneagram types interact to form the ESTP Enneagram personality.

Please keep in mind that the ESTP personality type is commonly associated with the enneagram categories listed below:

  • ESTP Enneagram Type 7;

  • ESTP Enneagram Type 8.

II. The ESTP Enneagram with 9 Types

1. ESTP Enneagram type 1

People with the ESTP Enneagram type 1 are detail-oriented, hard-working, and will not jump at chances that appear unethical and/or irresponsible.

They frequently battle to limit and regulate Se-dom cravings and may feel "sinful" for experiencing Se-based impulses and ideas. With no outlet for their rage, they may erupt in low Fe ways (through violence), which will cause them to feel guilty and seek external affirmation/reassurance.

2. ESTP Enneagram type 2

Individuals with the ESTP Enneagram type Two are giving and kind. The Two love people and want to be liked, and growing close to others is a motif in the Two's life.

This is why the ESTP Enneagram type 2 is sometimes referred to as the Helper type - since they consistently come to the rescue of others. Out of all the Enneagram types, Twos are the most inclined to assist someone who is feeling depressed or under assault.

When a Type Two is anxious, he or she may become violent, similar to an unhealthy Type Eight. When a Type Two is healthy, he or she develops emotional awareness similar to a healthy Type Four. You are a Type Two with a Three wing, which implies that your helping character mixes with your ambitious nature, resulting in an extremely motivated individual.

3. ESTP Enneagram type 3

The ESTP Enneagram type 3 is the perfect smooth-talking successful businessman type, as well as a natural charmer and performer, who employs tert-Fe to woo others but frequently does not know what is genuine (the persona) and what is not (his/her actual self).

Se-dom + 3 results in an intense attention to sensory impact, implying that this type is merciless about the physical looks of others and their own total sensory presentation These people are typically adept at detecting subtle cues in others and may break from existing hazy morals in order to 'accomplish' or 'get ahead.'

With low Ni, they may fail to evaluate the repercussions of being dishonest or lying to impress others.

4. ESTP Enneagram type 4

Enneagram type ESTP Four people are acutely emotionally aware and frequently escape to their rich inner world of notions and ideas.

They are the most creative type in the Enneagram, and they are compelled to develop their own, distinct personality. Type Fours place a great priority on authenticity and express themselves whenever possible. They are one of the most individualistic Enneagram types.

When Type Fours mature, they become principled like Type Ones. When pressured, Type Four people are acutely emotional and frequently escape to their rich inner world of concepts and ideas. They are the most creative type in the Enneagram, and they are compelled to develop their own, distinct personality.

Type Fours place a great priority on authenticity and express themselves whenever possible. They are one of the most individualistic Enneagram types. When Type Fours mature, they become principled like Type Ones.

When under stress, Type Fours might become clinging, similar to an unhealthy Type Two. You are an ESTP Enneagram type Four, which means that your individualist tendency mixes with the intellectual nature of an ESTP to create you one of the Enneagram's most creative types.

When it comes to being 'healthy,' many introverted people, like myself, believe that "getting out of my brain" is the best way to go, whether that means ceasing to be so compulsively contemplative or continually overanalyzing everything.

In any case, it is probably harmful to over identify as any label (including the intro/extrovert dichotomy) and just allow yourself to evolve as an individual, transcending whatever expectations that you or the world have set on you.

Enneagram type 4 ESTP appears to be a good fit for a Ti dom. They would try to hide their feelings because they were perplexed by their inability to manage their emotional outbursts and were afraid of offending others.

While 4s are feeling "undesirable due to being different/flawed," they are hopeful that someone would see through their joyful mask and accept the real them beneath. Instead of a rich inner fantasy world, there is rational nihilism, but with the underlying hope that the future will be better.

5. ESTP Enneagram type 5

People with the ESTP Enneagram type 5 have greater access to aux-Ti analytical talents, without the normal focus on 'living high and loose'; they are more introverted / quickly fatigued, and less likely to take leadership.

They may find themselves looping into Fe and unsure how to manage it, but they fail to completely contain their emotions and get irritated, as well as more scared of the 'possible' result of their actions (inferior Ni).

6. ESTP Enneagram type 6

People with the ESTP Enneagram type 6 are significantly more risk-averse and analytical than other ESTPs, and may mistype as an ISTP owing to reliance on Ti, with inferior Ni straining to predict future bad consequences. 

These folks are prone to a lot of pessimism about the future (and solitary conclusions about it), and they are less confident in their ability to wing things. They are also prone to low-level concern about tert-Fe (the desire to connect to others, but uncertainty and suspicion causing detachment issues).

7. ESTP Enneagram type 7

In the Enneagram system, a considerable proportion of ESTPs categorized as type 7s (Type 7 with a 6 wing: 0 percent ; Type 7 with an 8 wing: 100 percent ). Given that extroverted sensing is strongly associated with the 7 type, it stands to reason that many individuals of this Se-dominant type fall into the 7 category.

People with the ESTP Enneagram type 7 are frequently daring and adventurous adventurers. They are prone to be rule-breakers and risk-takers who are always looking for the next physical challenge.

Others may confuse type 7 ESTPs for ESFPs since their zeal for life is similar to that of a feeling type. This personality type may also misidentify as an ENTP, because their exuberant but analytical temperament may mirror extroverted intuition in many ways.

They will mistype as a Ne-dom owing to their dispersed thought process and continual onslaught of thoughts; they are more likely to ponder about the future.

Because of their dispersed thought process and frequent onslaught of thoughts, they will mistype as a Ne-dom; they are more likely to ponder about the future than other ESTPs (with great excitement and impatience).

Sometimes these individuals employ Se/Fe + 7 to be funny and entertain others, but they are disconnected from their own feelings; they may have a difficult time distinguishing brutal truth (what Se sees) from what 7 does not want to deal with, resulting in recurrent Ni-grips.

Individuals of Type Seven are vivacious, personable, and fun. They are full of life and can quickly transition from one thrilling topic to the next. The Type Seven mental process is a little disjointed, but that's because they are easily distracted by a variety of interests. This is why Type Seven of the Enneagram is known as The Enthusiast.

Type Sevens become concentrated like Type Fives while they are in a growth condition. When they are stressed, they transform into Type One. The ESTP Enneagram 7 is one of the most forceful types in the Enneagram due to the passionate character of the Type Seven and the combative tendency of the Type Eight.

8. ESTP Enneagram type 8

In the Enneagram system, the majority of ESTPs categorized as type 8s (Type 8 with a 7 wing: 72 percent ; Type 8 with a 9 wing: 28 percent ). 

Though the 8 type is most closely associated with the extroverted thinking function, the combination of extroverted sensing and introverted thinking produces a similarly bold and direct way of dealing with one's surroundings. As a result, it's not surprising that many ESTPs identify with the 8 type.

People with the ESTP Enneagram type 8 are likely to have a fairly even balance between their extroverted sensing and introverted thinking functions, which helps them to pursue their goals with confidence and clarity.

Extroverted feelings may be a blind spot for this type, since type 8s tend to look down on any display of weakness in others. Others may mistake type 8 ESTPs for ESTJs or ENTJs because their no-nonsense demeanor mirrors extroverted thinking.

When cognitive processes are not taken into account, the type 8 ESTP may misidentify as an ESTJ if they approach the MBTI in a dichotomous manner, since their plain attitude resembles a 'judger' feature.

A person of this kind is an aggressive, physically intimidating, confrontational, argumentative mixture who does not believe in backing down from a battle, literal or figurative, and whose lower Ni development aids him/her in identifying those who are weak or inept.

They are prone to speaking bluntly, criticizing authoritative people, and frequently taking on leadership roles to placate the general welfare of the public (tert-Fe, which may often make the ESTP-8 "charming" and counter the rough edge).

Eights are aggressive, dominating people who are naturally in charge of circumstances. Eights are aggressive in meeting their wants, and Type Eight is the Enneagram's most aggressive personality type.

When Eights mature, they become loving and protective of others, similar to Type Twos. When Type Eights are anxious, they retreat and become secretive, similar to Type Fives. For example, if you're an Eight with a Seven wing, the extroverted tendency of Type Seven mixes with the aggressive attitude of Type Eight to form one of the most active Enneagram types. Type 8w7s are a formidable opponent.

9. ESTP Enneagram type 9

These people are significantly less risk-averse, more prone to inertia, and more in touch with their tert-Fe (at least, in terms of understanding how to build and sustain superficial ties with others in order to avoid confrontation).

However, they are less in touch with their own feelings, less forthright, and more concerned with future consequences (low Ni wanting to "get it right" + 9's aversion to anything new that interrupts their peace of mind) than other ESTPs.

People with the ESTP Enneagram type 9 are welcoming, easygoing, and lovable. They have the best capacity to get along with people of any Enneagram type. As a result, they are frequently adept mediators, settling disagreements both inside and among themselves.

Nines place a strong emphasis on peace, particularly inner serenity. When Nines are in a development phase, they become as active and determined as Type Threes. When Nines are worried, they get nervous, similar to an unhealthy Type Six.

As an example, You are a Type Nine with a One wing, which implies that the Type Nine's harmonious features combine with the Type One's idealistic temperament. You have a romanticized perspective of the world, and your desire for peace is one method to realize that fantasy.