The Protector


isfj-A / isfj-T

The Protector

ISFJ Enneagram

As we will see later, the existence of different ISFJ Enneagram types modifies some of these characteristics.

I. The overview of ISFJ Enneagram

ISFJs are the MBTI typology's defenders. When it comes to the enneagram of personality, a good number of people identify as ISFJ Enneagram type 2/6/9.

There are also ISFJ Enneagram types 1, 3, 4, and 5. However, type 7,8 is extremely unheard of (almost non-existent). As a result, in this post, we will concentrate on the seven ISFJ Enneagram types.

Please keep in mind that the ISFJ personality type is commonly associated with the enneagram categories listed below:

  • ISFJ Enneagram Type 2;

  • ISFJ Enneagram Type 6;

  • ISFJ Enneagram Type 9.

II. The ISFJ Enneagram with 9 Types

1. ISFJ Enneagram type 1

ISFJ Enneagram type 1 people are efficient, detailed, and have strong moral judgements regarding the attitudes, actions, and performance of others. Type One has a difficult time dealing with their inner critic as well as their persistent dread of what others may think about their product (Fe), which can force them to put off doing things forever.

2. ISFJ Enneagram type 2

A sizable proportion of ISFJs choose 2 as their Enneagram type (Type 2 with a 1 wing: 44 percent ; Type 2 with a 3 wing: 56 percent ). Because this kind is highly associated with the ISFJ's auxiliary function extroverted emotion, this sort of connection is unquestionably appropriate.

People of the ISFJ Enneagram type 2 are very involved in their immediate communities and personal relationships. They believe they are only worthy inasmuch as they are of service to others - social reciprocity is their primary survival skill, and they feel the least stressed when they are assisting others in some way.

These people share ISFJ personality traits, especially in areas where the two shine the brightest; an eager and expressive ISFJ who is often incredible at attending to others' immediate, present, and physical needs, but they are also cautious in asking others to commiserate with them or help them talk through Fe-issues.

They can identify wholly via acts of service, and feel dispossessed if others no longer 'need' them in some manner, and they can employ Fe + 2 to read and anticipate others' needs.

This ISFJ personality type is especially generous and giving to others. They frequently take up caring or teaching duties in their society and may appear to be far more outgoing than they are. Though all ISFJs are usually guilty of over-extending themselves socially, type 2 ISFJs are particularly prone to this.
ISFJs of type 2 are continually shifting away from sentiments of worthlessness and toward feelings of acceptance and affection from others. They are most similar to their extroverted counterpart, the ESFJ.

3. ISFJ Enneagram type 3

The ISFJ Enneagram type 3 is a down-to-earth but pleasant personality who is often concerned with impressing their friends and family using societally driven status symbols (the best car, the nicest house, the coolest purse, the cutest boyfriend).

Threes may say and do things only to please people, and they greatly want and seek out their attention and praise (and require their approval and to be 'in awe'), but they have difficulty talking about or confessing to their genuine sentiments.

People of this kind will have anxieties if they do not have 'genuine' friends, and they may be prone to severe Si/Ti cycles in which they evaluate past failures and mistakes. They are prone to staying in their "comfort zone" and become quite angry if they fail at something they have done perfectly a thousand times before.

4. ISFJ Enneagram type 4

The ISFJ Enneagram type 4 is a grumpy, pessimistic, self-centered ISFJ who draws emphasis to their separation from other normal individuals and utilizes it as a shield. And this enneagram encourages strong inferior Ne development (but concerns that their Ne isn't as 'good' as a high Ne user / that their thoughts aren't smart/unique/eccentric enough and will be envious of NPs).

They will frequently compare themselves to others through Fe, and may try to persuade others to recognize their uniqueness as a form of self-assurance; 4 + Fe indicates that this ISFJ is open about their negative feelings and in discussing them, and fears that they will not be loved for who they are. It is possible to mistype as and relate to a Fi-dom.

5. ISFJ Enneagram type 5

ISFJ Enneagram type 5 is a conceivable personality type that can occur, despite its rarity. This is due to the fact that both of the personalities that make up this type have an element of introversion in them, since they like to spend time alone, particularly when they need to work through difficulties or'recharge' their social batteries.

Although the ISFJ is more creative than the 5 enneagram, they both have strong analytical talents and combine to make a type of personality that is somewhere in the center - they are fantastic with their mental processes and can think analytically with some creativity.

Their qualities include shyness and a desire for spending time alone (the 5 enneagram), which leads in a personality type that enjoys spending time alone. It not only makes them feel better, but it also allows them to reflect on issues that trouble or intrigue them.

Both personalities have difficulty with other individuals. When they are agitated, they tend to isolate themselves, either because they are unable to grasp the other person's behavior or because they have a propensity of suppressing their inner sentiments rather than working things out. Nonetheless, they have acquired a practice of avoidance through time, which typically results in the same effect — frustration.

6. ISFJ Enneagram type 6

The Enneagram type 6 was chosen by a substantial percentage of ISFJs (Type 6 with a 5 wing: 81 percent ; Type 6 with a 7 wing: 19 percent ). Because ISFJ Enneagram type 6 is associated with the ISFJ's primary function, introverted sensing, this relationship is unmistakable.

ISFJ Enneagram type 6 are extremely security-conscious. Their primary concern is that they would be unable to care for themselves, thus they are extremely devoted and dedicated to others around them, believing that having strong social support will provide them with security.

As a result, many ISFJ type 6s may rely largely on their extroverted feelings to develop and sustain social support. This may give the impression that they are more extroverted than they are.

Type 6 ISFJs have a high level of confidence in society structures and organizations, which is heightened by their introverted sensory function. They are more prone to seek long-term and mutually beneficial occupations, connections, and group memberships. They are extremely devoted to the organizations in which they are involved, and the constancy of their commitment provides them with a sense of security.

ISFJs of type 6 are continually shifting away from emotions of inadequacy and toward sentiments of support and direction. They are most similar to their ISTJ counterparts in that they are generally industrious, hardworking, and loyal.

This kind is motivated by lesser Ne worries of "the wide unknown" and depends on copious information and investigation to prepare for the worst.

People of this kind are incredibly loyal and caring toward those who earn their confidence, and they are unwilling to take chances. They are keen to develop emotional connections but are afraid to share too much personal information. Furthermore, they frequently utilize self-deprecating humor to amuse others while remaining semi-detached from their sentiments (over-reliant on analyzing and problem-solving with Ti).

7. ISFJ Enneagram type 9

A sizable percentage of ISFJs picked 9 as their Enneagram type (Type 9 with an 8 wing: 17 percent ; Type 9 with a 1 wing: 83 percent ). Though the 9 type is most closely related with the introverted feeling function, it has many characteristics with the auxiliary function of the ISFJ, extroverted feeling.

ISFJ Enneagram type 9s have a strong need for interpersonal harmony. ISFJs that identify as type 9 may be more influenced by conflict in their external contexts, rapidly detecting tension with their extroverted feelings and wanting to escape its negative repercussions by any means possible.

These ISFJs are also more likely to be thoroughly in touch with their spiritual side - feeling genuinely, intimately linked to a higher force, rather than merely dutifully dedicated to their chosen spiritual practice.

Type 9 ISFJs feel that they are only worthy in the sense that they are tranquil and in tune with themselves and others. They are continually shifting from feelings of loss or isolation from others to sentiments of harmony, unity, and tranquility.

This type uses Fe to "merge with" others and avoid being called repulsive; it is pliable, non - judgmental, and good-natured; it continues to maintain a cheerful persona that shifts depending on external influences; and it also uses Fe to read what others want/need/bond with them through affirming language and bodily communication.

This personality type avoids expressing their frustrations in relationships (until they burst), and they frequently feel neglected and underappreciated. He or she may battle with their anger and concerns of change/major life decisions, but they will feel better if they Fe-share their sentiments with others.