The Giver


enfj-A / enfj-T

The Giver


The article will now look at what dominant functions and dailylife style comprises the two personality types (ENFJ vs ENTJ). Scoll down to get more detailed information!

I. ENFJ vs ENTJ functions 

There are three preference similarities and one preference difference in the ENFJ vs ENTJ relationship. Each personality combination will face its own set of obstacles, regardless of the amount of similarities and variances.

1. Similarities ENFJ vs ENTJ

  • ENFJ stands for Extraversion (E), Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Judgment (J). 
  • ENTJ stands for Extraversion (E),  Intuition (N), Feeling (F), Judgment (J). 

The two personality types share three elements.  ENFJ vs ENTJ people are both Extroverted, Intuitive, Judging personalities,  which means they want to be among others, tackle complicated issues, and plan ahead.

Furthermore, ENFJ vs ENTJ people share two functions, Ni and Se. This implies they absorb their thoughts as well as the patterns they observe.

1.1 Extroversion-Extroversion

Because both parties enjoy people, they are likely to go for many socializing activities and parties together.

Because of their love for people and socializing, they are likely to have a large network around them, supporting and mediating for the couple in time of need.

1.2 Intuition-Intuition

Both sides will normally discover a certain appeal to one other since they both love discussing large concepts, possibilities, and global challenges. 

This is especially true if they share similar perspectives on some matters; they will discover chemistry with one another.

1.3 Judging-Judging

They are also prone to organize their schedules with each other, with little or no concern for last-minute alterations. 

They will also value their partner's capacity to keep up with and remain on top of the demands of daily life. 

1.4 Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Both like intellectual pursuits and are looking for a single truth to explain reality. ENFJs utilize Ni to comprehend people and relationships, whereas ENTJs use Ni to strategize and plan. 

As a result, ENTJs may perceive ENFJs as limiting or narrow-minded, while ENFJs may perceive ENTJs as missing the point or out of touch with what truly counts.

1.5 Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Because both can use Se defensively for vanity or attention, they may regard the other as shallow, obstinate, or foolish.
Many people are content with their tertiary role. As a result, while under stress, ENXJs may seek out physical exercise and new experiences. They may seek solace via exercise, engaging music, or amusement.

2. Differences ENFJ vs ENTJ

The world is experienced by ENTJs and ENFJs in fundamentally different ways. The thinking/feeling dynamic, which is one of the most apparent features, differs most noticeably between ENFJ vs ENTJ.

ENFJ Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

 ENTJ Extraverted Thinking (Te)

  • ENFJs struggle to observe world objectively/impersonally, especially themselves/relationships.
  • ENFJs employ Fe, which means they examine a situation and determine what needs to be changed in the future for the benefit of others around them. They desire things to fit the feelings of others.
  • They live by an external moral system that is dependent on the emotional condition of others around them. (Fe) They employ Ti to back this up by breaking down the little indications supplied by others in order to comprehend people's emotions.
  • ENTJs have an impersonal, problem-solving outlook on life.
  • The ENTJ's strong Te indicates that they will naturally lean toward an impersonal solution reached at via the utilization of objective evidence.
  • Furthermore, an ENTJ has Te, which means they analyze a situation and determine what has to be changed in the future for optimal efficiency. They desire everything to be clear and ordered (Te), and they rely on their own internal moral system, which is unaffected by others, to support their order and judgments (Fi).

ENFJ Introverted Thinking (Ti)

 ENTJ Introverted Feeling (Fi)

  • When Ti is repressed in ENFJs, the consequence is frequently a polished exterior with weak foundations beneath.
  • The ENFJ will retreat from the scenario itself, and actively seeking affirmations can assist them. Being criticized by others during this condition will stress them out even more.
  • When the ENFJ is unhappy or upset, they are extremely critical of themselves. There is a dearth of validation or admiration from others, and this is where they generally draw their confidence from.

  • When Fi is suppressed in ENTJs, the outcome is a brawny battering ram with no heart.
  • When they are vulnerable, they feel compelled to retreat or hide from others. When they are unhappy, they become more irritable and intolerant.
  • They don't enjoy the sensation of being vulnerable, a failure, or unmotivated, therefore they will strive to avoid it by doing or attempting to do or seek for constructive things, or by continuing with their task, and so on.
  • Despite their feelings, they are more indifferent to critiques of others.

II. ENFJ vs ENTJ behavior 

1. ENFJ vs ENTJ Workstyle




  • Nurturing connections is important to them, and they desire that on their teams, so they demand a sense of connection in the team setting, to be recognized, understood, needed, comforted, and complimented. 
  • The ENTJ is the leader: impatient, driven, and with a strong need to agree on a strategy before driving fiercely toward completion. They will be fantastic at keeping the squad moving and minimizing complacency.


  • Because of their intrinsic idealism, ENFJs are great vision setters. They are enthusiastic individuals who will offer a humane and meaningful vision. When combined with their great communication abilities, they have the potential to inspire a large number of others to join them in their pursuit of the cause. 
  • Even if the ENTJ is not elected, they will seize leadership since their inclination is to alter things and make them happen now. At the heart of what's going on, and will work tirelessly to keep the emphasis on goals.

Being managed

  • ENFJs excel at juggling several jobs and frequently amaze their supervisors. ENFJS will be eager to advance in the job, both socially and professionally. They are quick learners who want to be the best at what they do. They may wind up taking on more work than they can handle since they have high expectations of themselves. 
  • Managing an ENTJ is about creating the appropriate circumstances for them to lead, whether it's people, a project, or a task, and giving them the power to do so but periodically pulling them back to verify others are on their side.

2. ENFJ vs ENTJ Conflict



Initial response

  • When ENFJs strive to resolve a problem, they aim to find a people-centered solution that maintains harmony. 
  • During a quarrel, they may get highly emotional as they attempt to regulate their own and the feelings of those involved. 
  • They have a tendency to take things personally and might have difficulty perceiving situations objectively and logically in the middle of chaos. 
  • The ENTJ enjoys disagreement as a technique of discussing, informing, and getting things done. They appreciate a good dispute and will be forceful and vocal in their opinions, but they will forget confrontation as soon as they engage it.

Conflict problems

  • When they are disrespected, neglected, or one of their principles is mistreated, ENFJs face the most turmoil. They also loathe seeing others in misery or being misunderstood. 
  • The ENTJ despises anything that stands in the way of development, and they will express their displeasure loudly and plainly. Their entire objective is to bring about change, and they dislike moving at a leisurely pace.

Response style

  • ENFJ is expressive and open in many ways, but is more concerned with being responsive and supportive of others. When presented with a choice between a firmly held value and meeting the needs of another person, they are more inclined to prioritize the needs of the other person. 
  • The ENTJ is highly straightforward, at times bone-jarringly so, and as a result, they may miss sensitivities, particularly around the notion that others may not enjoy, and some may even dread, disagreement.

3. ENFJ vs ENTJ Interpersonal Skills/ Communication



  • ENFJs favor persuasion as a method of persuading people to accomplish something
  • The ENFJ will express their emotions and feelings directly.
  • They are indifferent to other people's critiques and still do not care about others, but they may be concerned about how people will judge their loved ones, or how their loved ones will criticize them or be disappointed/upset by them, or how they will feel about the scenario.


  • Long, bitter debates are required to persuade ENTJs to alter their minds - have the courage of your beliefs and prove me wrong if I am incorrect.
  • ENTPs are excellent conversationalists who like verbal fighting with others. They like debating problems and may even swap sides for the sake of debating.

  • ENFJs are more likely to favor a question-and-answer format. 
  • When chatting, ENTjs personalities like monologues in which each partner takes "their turn." As a result, they subconsciously try to turn a discourse into a series of monologues.